Monthly Message
Monthly Message from the Rotary Foundation Trustee Chair Bill Boyd
May 2012
With our new grant model, we can do more good in the world
I recently met with a number of Rotarians who will be responsible for communicating with you in the coming year about our new grant model under the Future Vision Plan. I recognize that we are asking the nonpilot districts to make a considerable leap of faith in the development of our Rotary Foundation for the future. It is difficult to understand and accept the changes when you do not know the details.
Why Future Vision? So that we can do more good in the world and use our resources in the best way possible. We needed to change our Foundation, as we were facing major challenges. We had to simplify. If this meant that we had to move away from some of our "feel good" activities, we were prepared to do so. Doing good was a greater priority, and when we do good, feeling good follows.
This is not somebody else's plan. The starting point was the responses of the thousands of Rotarians who presented their views. One of the direct results is the six areas of focus. These are where Rotarians want to serve.
Almost all of the pilot districts say their Rotary is stronger because of Future Vision. They like the greater opportunity to make their own decisions with district grants. Sometimes building sustainability into global grants has been a challenge, but the pilot districts understand the importance, and our helpful staff can and do assist.
What do I ask of you? To get your district structure in place so that you are ready for 1 July 2013, and to please be patient as we make our new Foundation as effective and productive as it can possibly be. If you can wait just a little longer, you will enjoy the new opportunities.